Each Pokemon has the power of its element (Pikachu - electricity) and can use it in battle.

🔥 fire

🌊 water

🌱 grass

⚡️ electric

🙄 normal

🦋 flying

🧊 icy

👻 ghost


🖤 dark

⚙️ steel

🪨 rock

🌎 ground

😈 psychic

🐛 bug

🦅 dragon


👊 fighting



Grass Pokemon's attacks often help him to restore his health or poison his opponent. They don't need to be fed as they are photosynthesizing.

Resistant to: Rock, Dark, Fight, Steel, Ice

Combined with: Normal, Bug, Flying, Ground, Water, Fairy, Ghost

Vulnerable to: Poison, Psychic, Electric, Dragon, Fire


Fire Pokemon use large-scale attacks. They can burn their opponents, but it takes them a while to build up strength after each attack.

Resistant to: Dark, Poison, Steel, Water, Fairy

Combined with: Normal, Fighting, Ground, Electro, Dragon, Ice, Ghost

Vulnerable to: Rock, Bug, Psychic, Grass, Fly


Water Pokemons can manipulate the element and change the decision (defence // attack // hit) of the opponent's Pokemon during the battle.

Resistant to: Rock, Dark, Fight, Ground, Steel, Electro, Fire, Ice

Combined with: Normal, Grass

Vulnerable to: Bug, Psychic, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost


Pokemons that have the element of Ice can immobilize their opponent, so that he cannot attack them for more than 1 hit in a row.

Resistant to: Dark, Poison, Grass, Fight, Steel, Electric, Water

Combined with: Normal, Fire, Fairy

Vulnerable to: Rock, Bug, Psychic, Ground, Flying, Dragon, Ghost


Pokemon with the element of Electricity can regain the power of a used potion and use it again, and can also disable an opponent.

Resistant to: Water, Ice, Fairy, Flying, Poison, Psychic

Combined with: Normal, Ground, Steel, Dragon, Fire

Vulnerable to: Rock, Bug, Dark, Fighting, Grass, Ghost


Pokemons with Psychic element have special abilities. They can sedate, confuse, or poison an opponent.

Resistant to: Rock, Bug, Flying, Electric, Dragon

Combined with: Normal, Fairy, Ghost, Dark, Poison

Vulnerable to: Fight, Ground, Grass, Steel, Water, Fire, Ice


Ghost Pokemons can become invisible during a fight, and their opponent can miss a hit while trying to attack them.

Resistant to: Rock, Bug, Steel

Combined with: Normal, Dark, Psychic, Poison, Grass, Flying, Fire

Vulnerable to: Fighting, Ground, Electric, Dragon, Water, Ice, Fairy


Pokemons with Fairy elements combine Flying and Bug elements' powers in them.

Resistant to: Fire, Dragon, Electric, Steel, Rock

Combined with: Normal, Ice, Flying, Grass, Poison, Psychic, Bug

Vulnerable to: Ghost, Water, Ground, Fighting, Dark


Fighting Pokemons are more fearless and damage their opponent more, and some of them throw a coin for combined strikes.

Resistant to: Bug, Poison, Grass, Flying, Water, Ice

Combined with: Normal, Ground, Steel, Dragon, Fire

Vulnerable to: Rock, Dark, Psychic, Electric, Fairy, Ghost


Pokemons using the element of Darkness prefer surprise attacks and often force their opponent to use potions and belts.

Resistant to: Rock, Grass, Ground, Flying, Steel, Ice, Water, Fire

Combined with: Psychic, Poison, Normal, Ghost

Vulnerable to: Bug, Fighting, Electric, Dragon, Fairy


Poison Pokemons can poison their opponent, so that he can't attack them for more than 2 times in a row.

Resistant to: Rock, Bug, Fight, Flying, Steel, Fire, Ice, Electic

Combined with: Normal, Dark, Psychic, Fairy, Ghost

Vulnerable to: Grass, Ground, Dragon, Water


Pokemons that have the element of Steel are more durable in attacks than all other Pokemons.

Resistant to: Bug, Dark, Grass, Poison, Fire, Ice, Water, Flying, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost

Combined with: Normal, Rock, Fighting, Ground, Electric

Vulnerable to: Psychic


When fighting, Pokemons of Rock element can transform into stone and defend themselves from opponent's attack more than other Pokemons.

Resistant to: Dark, Psychic, Poison, Fairy, Grass, Ghost, Water, Flying

Combined with: Bug, Ground, Steel, Normal

Vulnerable to: Fighting, Electric, Dragon, Ice, Fire


Pokemons possessing Dragon element use stronger attacks that typically require energy of two elements, meaning they need the other element's amulets to fully unleash their abilities.

Resistant to: Fairy, Steel, Ground, Psychic

Combined with: Normal, Fire, Electric, Flying, Fighting

Vulnerable to: Rock, Bug, Dark, Poison, Grass, Water, Ice, Ghost


Flying Pokemons are not so strong, but with their ability to fly during the battle their opponents can miss one or even more attacks.

Resistant to: Rock, Dark, Poison, Psychic, Ground, Fighting, Steel, Electric

Combined with: Normal, Bug, Grass, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost

Vulnerable to: Water, Fire, Ice


Colourless Pokemon can use many additional attacks and are suitable for any deck.

Resistant to: None

Combined with: All

Vulnerable to: None


Pokemons with Ground element use techniques that weaken the opponent's Pokemon attacks.

Resistant to: Dark, Flying, Water, Dragon

Combined with: Normal, Rock, Bug, Grass, Fighting, Steel, Electric, Fire

Vulnerable to: Poison, Psychic, Ice, Fairy, Ghost


Bug Pokemons aren't very strong, however they are fast and their speed can make the opponent miss an attack.

Resistant to: Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Steel, Ghost

Combined with: Rock, Grass, Ground, Flying, Normal, Fairy

Vulnerable to: Dark, Electric, Dragon, Water, Fire, Ice


We will take advantage of new Pokemons every time we update.Game upgrades will be published every 6 full moons.

You will be able to create your own Pokemon if you support our network of nodes, each node may bring your own custom Pokemon to the PokeWorld metauniverse.Creating your own Pokemon is a secret that only real fans will know about - you will have to create and maintain a knot to discover that knowledge.

Last updated