To start the game, you will need to becomr an owner of the dNFT Pokemon card.

Each Pokemon has a personal code tied to it, which you will receive after purchasing + which you will have to enter when logging into the game on your web or AR mobile application.

If you want to buy several Pokemon, you will need to enter the code separately when logging into the game, your 2 Pokemon can interact with each other if you connect them by scanning the qr code over the local network.

The number of original Pokemon is limited, it will be equal to the number of real Pokemons of 6 generations (306 Pokemon). And the total numer of dNFTs with Pokemons is 10310.

All of the Pokemons will be available for mint from the mystery Pokeballs and you won't know what Pokemon is there - it may turn out to be the most common, or it may be legendary.

Mystery Pokeballs have 5 types of rarity:







Pokemon have 5 types of rarity:

👌Common (121 Pokemon)

🥳Uncommon (100 Pokemon)

😜Strange (50 Pokemon)

✨Rare (25 Pokemon)

💎Legendary (10 Pokemon)

Rarity can be achieved by building your Pokemon and raising its level of satisfaction with food, atributes, and winning battles.

All Pokemon are different. Some are more potent and needy, some can defend themselves well and some do not even need to be nourished as they can photosynthesize.You should make a good search of all the key features of Pokemons before buying.


Pokeballs are the chests containing random pokemons, this is the standard way to get a pokemon, which will be created in all future game updates.

Each Pokemon has an infinite level of satisfaction.When a new Pokemon is born, its satisfaction level is 100, and when its satisfaction level drops to 0, it is forced to fall into a temporary coma.

If you want to freeze your Pokemon so that it doesn't get into come, you will need to place it in an incubator or Pokemon shelter where other people will take care of it.

The Pokemon will gradually find themselves in a temporary coma.The system will be stationary and will display a WARNING message with a 90-day countdown.During these 90 days only 3 functions will be available:

  • Feed your Pokemon

  • Place your Pokemon into the incubator

  • Sell your Pokemon

Since the 90 days are over and the player does not do any of the suggested actions, the Pokemon will go into a coma. When this happens,it can't go into battle, it can't be sold, and it can't be placed in an incubator. For any other actions the owner will have to feed his Pokemon and raise the level of satisfaction. More time Pokemon goes into a coma as much food as you have to give him to bring him back to life and normal functioning.


The higher the satisfaction level is and the longer you keep it, the more attribute modifiers you can buy for your Pokemon and the better your chances are of winning the battle.

Satisfaction levels may be enhanced by food or time spent with your Pokemon:

  • Spending 3 minutes a day with him is +1 point on the satisfaction scale (nourishing takes one minute and has to be done 3 times a day)

  • Charging power in your power station (1 minute = 1 point of satisfaction)

  • Walking with your Pokemon 1 km in the AR mobile application is +1 point on the Satisfaction Scale (there is a tracker that can measure the distance you have walked with the AR application)

  • Meeting a friend in the AR app or talking to a friend in our metauniverse is +1 points

*Satisfaction is reduced by 5 points within each battle, so if you feed your Pokemon in time and spend 3 minutes each day with him, and fight once a day (no matter, whether it is P2P, P2E or clan battles) he will never get into come.

But if you don't want to feed him and spend time with him and not put him in the incubator, he's going to go into a coma after 90 days.

If you want to fight more than once a day, you should make every possible effort to increase your level of satisfaction.

There is an automatic pokémon feed option available for $POKESHARD for 1 month.

Last updated